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In what fields can phenyl vinyl silicone be used? What problems are solved?

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Phenyl vinyl silicone is a versatile silicone rubber that is widely used in many fields to solve various problems. Here are some application areas and some problems it can solve:

Electronic and electrical industry:
Sealing and Insulation: Used for sealing and insulating electronic components to prevent moisture and dust from entering.
Thermal Conductivity: Used in thermally conductive interface materials to help dissipate heat and keep the temperature of electronic devices stable.

auto industry:
Sealing and waterproofing: Used for sealing automotive parts, such as lights, engine parts, etc.
Vibration Damping: Acts as a vibration damping material, reducing vibration and noise.

Construction and building materials:
Sealing and bonding: Used for sealing and bonding of building structures to prevent moisture penetration.
Glass glue: As glass glue, it is used to fix and seal glass.

Medical industry:
Medical silicone: used for sealing and lubrication of medical devices and is biocompatible.
Elastomeric materials: Used in the manufacture of flexible medical devices and seals.

Industrial manufacturing:
Mold Making: Used to make flexible and high temperature resistant molds.
Lubricating materials: As a high temperature resistant lubricant for bearings and mechanical parts.

Aerospace field:
High temperature resistance: It has high temperature stability and can be used for sealing and insulation of aerospace devices.

Food and Beverage Industry:
Food-grade silicone: used in the manufacture of food contact materials, such as baking molds, gaskets, etc.

Energy sector:
Solar cells: For sealing and protection of solar cells.

Overall, phenyl vinyl silicone's high temperature resistance, weather resistance, chemical stability and elasticity make it an ideal choice for solving sealing, insulation, bonding and lubrication problems. However, before specific application, it still needs to be tested and verified according to specific requirements.

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