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Physical and Mechanical Properties of Silicone Phenyl Vinyl Raw Rubber

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Silicone phenyl vinyl gums have a unique set of physical and mechanical properties that make them useful in a wide variety of applications. The following are the main physical and mechanical properties of silicone phenyl vinyl rubber:

Elastic modulus: Silicone phenyl vinyl raw rubber has a low elastic modulus, which means it has better flexibility and deformation ability. This makes it excellent for applications requiring elastic materials.

Tensile Strength: Silicone phenyl vinyl raw rubber has high tensile strength, which enables it to withstand large tensile forces without breaking easily. This gives it an advantage in applications requiring high-strength materials.

Abrasion Resistance: Silicone phenyl vinyl rubber has good abrasion resistance and is able to resist the effects of friction and abrasion. This makes it excellent in applications where durability and long life are required.

Hardness: Silicone phenyl vinyl raw rubber has a certain hardness, which can provide better surface protection and scratch resistance. This gives it an advantage in applications that need to have a hard surface.

Compression properties: Silicone phenyl vinyl rubber has good compression properties and is able to maintain its shape and properties under pressure. This makes it excellent in applications where compression cushioning and sealing properties are required.

Thermal stability: Silicone phenyl vinyl raw rubber has good thermal stability and can maintain its physical and mechanical properties in high temperature environments. This gives it an advantage in applications requiring high temperature performance.

Softness: Silicone phenyl vinyl raw rubber has good flexibility and can adapt to various shapes and surface changes. This makes it useful in applications requiring flexible materials.

In general, silicone phenyl vinyl rubber has excellent physical and mechanical properties, including low elastic modulus, high tensile strength, good wear resistance and thermal stability, etc. These properties make it widely used in many fields such as automobiles, electronics, and medical equipment.

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