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Why are we opposed to line carving nose

Hits: 3896332 2020-04-29

There are many optional materials for nose augmentation, such as silica gel, expanded body, superbody, autogenous cartilage, etc., all of which have their own advantages and disadvantages, but the "line carving nose augmentation" mentioned today has only disadvantages and no advantages.
When it comes to line carving nose, let's first mention the line carving. It's called "buried line facial rejuvenation operation" in medicine.
On the one hand, the wire can play a role in pulling up the tissue displaced due to aging; on the other hand, the wire can stimulate the formation of skin collagen by using foreign body reaction. This is the theoretical basis on which line carving nose can rely. The line carving nose was first called "Misko nose augmentation".
(image source: cbbmed. Com)
In terms of specific operation, it is expected that the hard, spiral or barb type absorbable wire can support the bridge of nose and shape the nose.
It should be noted here that it is not enough to poke twice at a time. Generally speaking, 10-20 thread carving noses will be poked once. If you are ready, let's take a look at the moving picture display. (like real people, pay attention to lightning protection)
The process of wire sticking into the tip of nose
(picture source: https://youtu be.be/ 0jvdqh5yo)
So why doesn't it work?
As mentioned above, the wire will add barbs or even two-way barbs to increase its tension, but the skin itself has tension and elasticity.
Especially when the skin of the nose is originally in a relatively tight state, several lines can't compete with a piece of skin. If you can't hang them, they will slide out, causing problems such as wire threading mentioned later. Not to mention the absorbable wire, it will be slowly absorbed in about 180 days, so the effect of the line carving nose is more than half a year. If you're lucky, it's just that your nose has collapsed again. Then in order to maintain, but also continue to poke the line into the nose.
Although the wound can't be seen outside, there will be more and more scars caused by wearing the thread. It's impossible to say that it's full of holes. And the scar that forms can atrophic, can let nose retract instead, go against original purpose.
In fact, when doing nose shaping, we should not only consider that the bridge of nose is not stiff, the tip of nose is not cocked, but also worry about the expansion of the nose wings, the shape and size of the nostrils, etc., but these lines are not able to carve the nose.
Why is it dangerous
In fact, it has been stressed that "if you are lucky" line carving nose is useless, but in fact, the unlucky ones account for the majority.
Wire through the nose is not like the thread out of the clothes cut off.
At the same time, there will be swelling and swelling in the mouth and nose, and the tip of the nose will become hard. More serious, there may also be skin ulceration, infection, wound delay, leaving a permanent depression, such as the following situation.
(picture alert)
(picture source: https://youtu be.be/zhyfovehu7e)
No safety guarantee for small workshops
And because of a large number of sequelae problems, regular plastic surgery hospitals will not do this project. Only some small workshops are still propagandizing for profit.
The sanitation environment and technician level that fail to meet the standard will not be raised. The point is that you don't know exactly what they're putting into your nose, and then they're growing with your nose tissue.
There is a risk of fiber residues in these wires and the formation of a capsule like substance between nasal tissues.
The cost of estoppel is too high
There is a saying that it is easy to put it in and difficult to take it out. When it is found that the sequelae is serious or the effect is not satisfactory, if you want to take it out or change to a comprehensive nose operation, it can not be solved by a needle tip size mouth. Especially when the wire and tissue grow together, the adhesive tissue will be removed at the same time.
(picture alert)
(picture source: https://youtu be.be/zhyfovehu7e)
Put a thread in your nose today, and you can take out a lump in a month Well, organization. Generally speaking, the line carving nose not only has no effect, but also has a ferocious process and a huge risk of disfigurement Although there will be no life danger, but I know that for some students, disfigurement may be worse than death
Finally, I hope every fairy can be safe and beautiful.
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