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Good luck! Canadian woman gets shot in close range, breast implants silica gel blocks bullet to save her life

Hits: 3895574 2020-04-25

Recently, a research team in Canada opened a very rare "prosthesis rescue" case, in which a woman was suddenly shot in close range, but the breast implants silica gel helped her successfully block the bullets, so that she could get away with it.
According to today's Russian TV website on April 21, the bizarre case happened in Ontario, Canada. At that time, the 30-year-old woman was walking on the night road. Suddenly, she had a sharp stabbing pain in her chest. She looked down in panic and saw that her chest was dripping with blood. The woman's face was pale with fright. After returning to her senses, she immediately rushed to the hospital with great pain.
Emergency doctors later found a bullet in his left chest, and judged it should have been shot at close range according to the condition of the wound. It was revealed that the bullet broke a rib before passing through the right chest and entering the left chest, but it did not completely explode, but was embedded in the silicone prosthesis of the left chest.
Chest CT showed that women's lungs were damaged to a certain extent, but there was no worry about their lives. In addition, according to the bullet fragments and trajectory, the hospital speculated that the bullet had indeed passed through the prosthesis on both sides of the chest, which confirmed that silica gel had borne most of the impact of the bullet and played a role of bullet proof to a certain extent.
In the subsequent operation, the doctor helped the woman remove the prosthesis on both sides and a 0.4 caliber bullet.
If it wasn't for silicone implants in the woman's left chest, the surgeon said, there would be no doubt that the bullet would go through her heart.
"This unfortunate accident has a happy ending," said the doctor. "The patient is in a stable condition and is believed to recover soon."
Russian media said that the gunman and his weapons have not been found, and the details of the case still need further investigation.
In the past decade, there have been about four life-saving cases of breast augmentation prosthesis in the world. In 2015, a Brazilian woman named Gujer was shot four times, but miraculously survived. It was the silicone breast implants that saved her life. In January 2012, a woman in the United States was stabbed with a knife, and silicone implants in her chest helped her survive.
However, the risk of breast augmentation surgery to patients can not be underestimated, and complications during and after the operation are beyond prevention. What's more, they will die directly on the operating table due to operational errors or improper anesthesia. Experts cautioned that the heart of beauty is in everyone's heart, but it should be enough to stop, never lose a little.
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